Month-End Roundup: June 2022

Hello, hello, hello!

It’s hotter than hell here in good old Saskatchewan. And, like a good Saskie, I’m going to tell you about the weather. We’ve had very little rain and that’s been a pain. It’s dry as a bone in some parts, and I’ve had to water my ever-expanding garden of potted plants (I’ve learned not to say garden of pot plants, for obvious reasons) up to three times a day to keep the little things alive. We’ve had a couple of tornado warnings and the like, so next month’s round-up might be written from a caved in basement. We’ll live in hope.

But, the plants have been growing. Mostly. I had to transplant a couple into bigger pots (my lettuce and my swiss chard) so we will see if they survive. I have a nice pepper growing and some peas…podding? Is that the word? Anyways, I’ll have some peas soon. In case you wanted to hear about my garden. You do, right?

I didn’t post a blog post in June 2022. I know, I know. However, school was unexpectedly harder and I was working hard on getting the rough draft of my big paper done. Now that things have calmed down and the rough draft is done, I can focus on peer-reviewing and on my other responsibilities, including entertaining my audience here. Aren’t you all lucky.

Onto the Roundup! Yee-haw!

As I said above, I’ve been working hard at school. I found time, mostly because Pride, to watch most of Season One of The Owl House. Amity and Luz are both too bi to function and I live for it. The whole show is very good, and I recommend it. I love the solid and organic world-building, I love the sense of humour, and I love the compelling and endearing characters. The show isn’t going to be on much longer, since Disney cares more about selling Mickey Mouse merchandise to backwards-ass countries where no one has human rights than artistic integrity and historically marginalized groups, so please, stream it. Watch it. It’s really good. Show media companies that LGBT people are marketable and that good representation provides good stories for everyone.

I also did it. I gave into peer pressure. I “legally obtained” Morbius and watched it with my best friend.

Yes, it was Morbin’ Time and it was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen from a big company. Do not watch this movie alone. It will bore you to tears. I recommend watching it with your friends or partner for maximum fun. I do not recommend a drinking game because E. Scott does not want to be responsible for any alcohol poisonings that may occur as a result because Holy. Crow. This movie makes your brain hurt. Jared Leto has one facial expression for almost two hours. I’m not going to tell you to watch it. I’m going to let you decide for yourself if you think it’s Morbin Time or not.

I wasn’t sure where to talk about gaming, if I need a whole “play” section or not, but I’ve also been putting a lot of hours into Pokemon Arceus Legends. Completing the dex has been keeping me on an even keel and giving me something “productive” to do that isn’t school. It feels good to accomplish tasks, you know? The game has some glitches, but I’ve found it a charming and welcoming experience.

I’ve also gotten back into Fate Grand Order. I stopped playing because I got busy, and I realized that not making time to do the things I enjoy is not going to help me be a good student, a good worker, or a bearable person to be around. At time of writing I am trying to get myself a Moon Cancer servant, since I’m trying for one of every kind. Wish me luck!

Articles, articles and articles. And fanfiction. Not much has changed from last month.

In June I attempted to finish part 2 of two of my projects. That didn’t happen, since, again, massive grad school paper. I wrote a lot of words, however, and I’m choosing to be proud of that. I didn’t do quite the numbers of last month, and didn’t finish an entire collection of flashbacks or the like. However, I’m proud that I’ve managed to actually maintain a writing schedule/habit while working on my schoolwork, because I’ve struggled with that in the past. There’s no point to any of this if I’m unhappy, right?

On the blog:

Canadian Crime Stories is returning with an exciting and entertaining little romp into possibly the most Canadian crime I’ve ever heard of (in the fun way, not in the painful history kind of way)—the great maple syrup robbery. Yes, there was a massive maple syrup robbery in Ontario. I’m not kidding. That’s not a South Park sketch. Stay tuned for this post, I think you’re going to enjoy it.

Before we get right back into the depressing crimes that happen in this country.

Here’s some poems I posted last month on my poetry site ( :

On YouTube:

I’m getting something put up. I swear. I didn’t last month, but I will try to get something up in July. I’m trying to figure out how to grow the channel and get more videos out. See the projects section for a few more details, but there will be a video up in July.


I am doing Camp NaNo this July. I really, really want to do it, because my husband wants to do it this year too! We’re both writers–we actually met at a creative writing camp, back when we were teenagers. He fell off the written wagon for a while and now he’s getting back on the horse and has a novel he wants to work on. I’m so proud of him for wanting to get back into a hobby he’s always said he wants to go back into, and I want to support him and do it with him. I’ve had two Camp projects on the go, and I’m hoping to use July to finish one of them, or get far enough that the end will be in sight by July 31st.

I’m also working on one of my fanfiction magnum opuses, and I hope to get that closer to being ready to post by the end of the summer. I want to work more on poetry and short fiction this month too, but I’m not going to beat myself up if I can’t make it happen because of the demands placed on me by school. That’s gotta be the priority until it’s done with, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to aim high and do my best to push myself to greater and greater heights as a writer and artist.


My projects have been largely put on hold because of school, same as last month. Right now the only projects I have on the go are trying to come up with a schedule to push myself to make more video content (because if I have a day that I post every week then it’ll be easier to start building momentum and build that platform and share my art more) and to work on videos for Button’s annual contest. I entered last year and didn’t win, obviously, or I would have posted that. I want to try again this year—it feels like a game biased towards the youth, but I’m going to keep trying because of how much I respect the platform and what they do for poetry. Stay tuned for further updates.


I’m back in school and I’m still not enjoying it. Maintaining a balance between school, work, art and life has been almost as hard as just doing the coursework. I’m trying not to stress myself out but it’s been hard on my body. I’m walking back my posting on social media and blogging so I can keep the balance in check. It’s getting better. I’m not hanging off the edge anymore nor am I right by the edge anymore, but things could still be much, much better.

I can’t go into too much personal life stuff, again so I do not doxx myself, but things have been very tough at work. Morale is low and I do my best to leave it at the door when I get to work, but we’ve been rocked by some illegal disgustingness and some tragedy in the lives of the kids. It’s been hard. I adore those children and it hurts that we can’t protect them from the worst the world has to offer.

But…I have also been maintaining a healthy garden, my pets are healthy and doing well, and my friends and family are healthy. That’s all anyone can ask for. Summer is here and I’m going to make the most of it. School ain’t out but it’s time to cut loose and have fun, you know? Let’s do this! Yeah!

See you all again next month, beasties. Follow me on my socials if you want more of me in between these posts.


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