On Anger: A Personal Examination.

Content warning: discussions of suicide and self harm, mental illness, mentions of crocodiles, just...Berserk, Star Wars spoilers (that are like 30 years old but whatever), X-men spoilers, discussion of transphopbia/queerphobia Let's talk about anger. First, let's talk about where I've been. I don't want to get into details, because a) I'm not interested in doxing… Continue reading On Anger: A Personal Examination.

Month-end Round-Up: May 2019

Yee-haw! I'm a little late, my dears.  I'm sorry. Please forgive me.  Welcome to the monthly round-up, the only place online where you, yes you, can read the opinions of a boring white writer. Yes, I know, I’m a true innovator. No one else has ever thought of anything more original. I’m kidding. I just… Continue reading Month-end Round-Up: May 2019

The Starscream Problem

Transformers as a franchise has risen from humble beginnings of American capitalists trying to sell Japanese toys to children with an inconsistently animated show (it was the 80’s, don’t yell at me, it’s not like He-Man was Disney quality either) to critically acclaimed television shows and a blockbuster film series (I will not comment on… Continue reading The Starscream Problem